Monday, October 11, 2010

Proven Leadership

Proven leadership??!! How often have we heard this term over the past several weeks? Obviously it must be that time again... municipal election time in Alberta. Only a week to go to elect a "proven leader". How do we interpret that phrase? Perhaps that individual sold the most chocolate bars during the fund raising blitz in school or sold the most Christmas wrap. It's interesting that the term is used without any tangible examples; only statements were they have served on many boards, but in what capacity? Turned around businesses, what does that mean.?

Peter Drucker stated "Leadership is not magnetic personality — that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not "making friends and influencing people" - that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to high sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations."

As we have been learned over the years good leadership is based on four factors: supportiveness, interaction with others, work ethic and goal emphasis. A good leader will use these four factors to create a healthy organizational climate that has successful communication patterns, activities based on goal setting, involvement in decision-making and opportunities for influence. In thinking about these factors and personal experiences how many true leaders have you met or worked for?

An organization can occasionally maintain themselves with good managers, but if you want to change direction, capable leadership will be needed.
Leaders are not concerned with “doing things right” but with “doing the right thing”.

Leadership Competencies
The best leaders have the following competencies:
Vision: Leaders can create and communicate a desired future and get others to commit themselves to it.
Communication: Leaders can communicate their vision and get support from others.
Persistence/ focus: Leaders can maintain their organization’s effectiveness when the going gets tough.
Empowerment: Leaders can create a dynamic working environment in which they can harness people’s energies to bring about desired results.
Organizational learning: Leaders can find ways for their organization to monitor its own performance and think about ways to improve.
Nothing serves an organization better than leadership that knows what it wants, knows when and how to stay on course and when to change.

Ten Commandments of Leadership
1. Treat everyone with respect and dignity.
2. Set the example for others to follow.
3. Be an active coach.
4. Maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
5. Insist on excellence and hold your people accountable.
6. Build group cohesiveness and pride.
7. Show confidence in your people.
8. Maintain a strong sense of urgency.
9. Be available and visible to your staff.
10. Develop yourself to your highest potential.

So at the end of the day are these individuals who are seeking your vote talking about actual leadership or management? They all have visions but these visions can only be realized if supported by others. Around a Council table you can have the greatest ideas out there but you still need the majority of those around the table to support it.